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  6. 3M™ Medical Hook Fastener 7335, Low Profile with Adhesive, Configurable

3M™ Medical Hook Fastener 7335, Low Profile with Adhesive, Configurable

  • 3M ID 7100012654

Available with Synthetic Rubber Adhesive or No Adhesive

Easy to open yet high shear strength during use

Low Profile

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Öne Çıkanlar
  • Available with Synthetic Rubber Adhesive or No Adhesive
  • Easy to open yet high shear strength during use
  • Low Profile
  • Intended for disposable/short term uses

This is a low profile hook made with a white polyolefin blend that is designed for disposable medical and diagnostic applications. Not made with natural rubber, low linting, easy open, high shear strength. The hook product is EtO stable and stable up to 45 kilograys of gamma radiation for sterilization. May be used for health care medical devices.

3M Medical Materials and Technologies helps health care manufacturers design and build more reliable, innovative and feature-rich medical devices. Customers leverage 3M technical expertise to select materials and technologies that integrate together for their break-through medical industry, device innovations designed for improving or enhancing lives.

Önerilen uygulamalar
  • General medical device use
  • Tube / cord holders or securement
  • For Closure systems in Surgical gowns or other devices requiring closures that require temporary attachment and adjustable closures
  • Equipment drape secural/adjustments
  • Material and / or technology for health care or medical device construction


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  • Mesaj Gönder

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